Friday, September 10, 2010

Bags have arrived!

So, let’s see...I arrived in Riyadh at 8:37 PM on the 5th and finally got my bags at 4:00 PM on the 9th.  That’s 4 days, almost 96 hours, without a change of clothes.  Actually, I put on the clothes I travelled in at about 11:00 AM in Florence on the 4th.  So, quick math tells me I spent...(adjust for time zones, carry the 1, factor in 110 degree heat, subtract hours of sleep)....uh....a long time in beach pants, a lightweight long sleeve button-down, and flip-flops.
I had never been so happy to have my uniforms, shorts, t-shirts, socks, and seasons 2 & 3 of Dexter (Thanks, Mike!).  But, you know what I was most comforted to finally have back?  My bible.  I know with those last two words I may have turned-off some people who may be reading this blog.  And that’s okay - I get it.  What I mean is, it wasn’t too long ago that I’d have been turned-off by that statement if the roles were reversed.  But not now.  I knew right where I had packed it, and it was the first thing I looked for.  Pretty cool feeling.  
So, what’s the first thing I did after I put down my bible and put on some very wrinkled, yet clean clothes?  Watch a few shows of Dexter, of course!  Nothing complements a comforting religious experience like watching some dude hack people up AND cheer for him.  I know I’ve strongly implied my Christianity earlier, but that should also strongly imply the fact that I’m not perfect.  Right?    
Now that I have my clothes and paperwork I can get started in-processing and get to work, right?  Wrong.  Not only are Thursday and Friday the weekend of the Islamic culture (by which all military personnel abide by, working on Saturdays and Sundays), but it’s Eid - the holiday marking the end of Ramadan.  So, everyone is off until the 15th here.  What’s that mean?  It means both Dexter seasons are goin’ down in short order.
Paola and the kids are off to Florida tomorrow and Disney next week!  I’m very excited for them and the rest of the family that is joining them there.  Can’t wait to hear the stories and see the pictures of kids jacked-up on natural adrenaline and Disney treats.
Well, I didn’t get this posted yesterday, so I have one more experience to share on this entry.  I went to the protestant service here at Eskan.  Unfortunately, I have to blame my church at home (NewSpring) for setting me up for failure.  Because NewSpring rocks out with amazing, contemporary music every week, I felt the urge to run screaming from the little chapel here once I heard the synthesizer fire up with its anemic drum machine accompaniment paired with a tone-deaf worship leader.  That was excruciating.  The message was good and well delivered, however.  I wonder if they’ll mind if I show up with an iPod and headphones next week. 
That’s it for now.  And Happy Birthday to my friend, Lee Burris!  Now that dude is old.


  1. I think you should take your ipod and plug it into their speakers! It's got to be better than a synthesizer! So funny ;) Glad you got your stuff and your bible. By the way the first thing Jackson packed and asked for when we got here was his bible...sweet, huh?! love you

  2. You and your family were missed last night for the "Lee Burris Surprise Party." He was humbled by your generous gift and is looking forward to playing your favorite Seether song upon your return. I agree that dude is old.
