Thursday, September 16, 2010

Where I is

This is the third time I will have tried to share my location with y'all.  The first two times I tried to cut-n-paste a screen shot from Google Earth.  Didn't work.  So, for the adventurous and curious types out there, the coordinates to my villa in Google Earth are as follows: 24 degrees 34’51.86 N   46 degrees 51’33.24 E

Once you're there, you'll find tennis courts 2 blocks south. West of the tennis courts is the driving range (golf).  North of the driving range is the softball field.  East of the tennis courts is the 'hub' of Eskan (buildings surrounding a pool).  The building left of the pool as you're looking at it is the gym.  The long building below the pool (where I'm sitting right now) is called The Breezeway.  Basically, it's a long corridor with shops, a Subway, multi-media center, coffee shop, shoppette, beauty & spa shop, and a Morale, Welfare and Recreation office.  Right of the pool is the ECC - Eskan Community Center (restaurant, pool tables, etc.)  Due east of the ECC is a small 4-way intersection.  If you head NE from that intersection, my office is the 2nd building on the right.  If you continue looking NE about a 1/4 mile from my office, you'll see a long building running WNW to ESE that sits at the SW corner of a fairly square parking lot.  That's the commissary (grocery store) and base exchange (mini Wal-Mart).

That's about all I know right now.  It's the weekend here (Thurs. and Fri.) so I'm bummin' around right now, trying to pass the time.  I downloaded Perry's latest sermon on iTunes though and I'm about to rent season 3 of Weeds (again with the moral contradiction, right?).  

The gym's pretty cool.  They have cardio equipment with monitors you can put DVDs in.  For someone who hates cardio machines, these things rock!  Running in this heat sucks, but as soon as I start to whine about it, I think about my Infantry brothers who climb mountains in Afghanistan carrying 100+ lbs. in equipment in this kind of heat for hours.  Suddenly, several minutes wearing ounces of Under Armour running gear while listening to my iPod on flat terrain with no one shooting at me doesn't seem so bad.  Sadly, that's the kind of mental diggin' I need to do to motivate myself to run these days.  I hate running. Who invented that crap anyway? Was it Phidippides (sp?) with his jaunt from Marathon to Athens? Hate that guy.  Thank the Lord for people like Dr. Naismith, Walter Camp and Abner Doubleday who at least broke the monotony by introducing a ball and a set of rules.

Alright off to the commissary....walkin' the whole way.  

1 comment:

  1. I tried a copy and paste of the coordinates, but Google Earth did not like that. So I removed "degrees" from the coordinates and it took me to Ryad, Saudi Arabia. The shot is grainy, but I get the point that you are hanging out at the Four Seasons, Saudi. Much agreed with you on the running part of your blog, but many baseball purist will argue that Doubleday is not the founder of baseball, but in fact the Spaulding family lay claim to that. I am with Doubleday and I think Spaulding just makes sub-par sporting equipment. McCall is wondering how hot it is there?
