Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bank Run pics

We had another bank run yesterday.  That meant a return trip to the Kingdom Centre (pictured above).  The bank is on the ground floor.  The rest of the ground floor and the second floor are a high-end mall complex.  Floors 3-12 are the SAMBA bank offices.  There are roughly 60-65 floors in total.  The top span is an observation deck that costs 50 'rips' to enjoy (roughly 13 bucks).

This is Mustafa, one of our contacts at the bank.  This was my first time meeting him so we were having the customary getting-to-know-each-other-before-conducting-business chat.

This is a pic from a window near Mustafa's office on the 11th floor.

Afterwards, SSG Spann and I went to the food court in the mall for lunch.  I wanted Mickey D's b/c in that instance, I wanted to be relatively sure of what I was getting.  Unfortunately,  I didn't see those signs overhead that depicted which side was for women and which side was for men (BTW, I was the only one at the counter at the time).  Anyway, I was kindly asked to step to the other side of the partition, which was probably a lifesaving maneuver since these two purse-wielding ninjas were deftly closing in behind me.  

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