Sunday, April 17, 2011

CENTCOM Commander visit

General Mattis, the U.S. Central Command Commander, graced us with his presence this week.  He's a 42-year Marine Infantry officer who commands all US military operations in the Middle East from his HQ at MacDill AFB, Tampa, FL.  Part of his brief talk with us was to generally outline and clarify the current conditions in his area of operations and validate our mission in Saudi Arabia.  As he pointed out, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya have experienced roughly the same uprising from their citizens over the last couple of months.  However, only two of those countries armies did not open fire on their citizens while the other did.   The one that did has had no military-to-military relationship with the US.  Egypt and Tunisia, however, have had such a relationship which gives reason to their humane response.  Therefore, it is vital that we continue our strong relationship with Saudi Arabia since the current unrest in the Middle East will only serve to elevate the importance and standing of this kingdom.

On an interesting note, the question was asked of Gen. Mattis - "Will we ever find Bin Laden?"  To which he replied, "We have the kind of people tracking him down that you don't ever want coming after you.  We're gonna find that sonofabitch and kill him.  Isolating him to the point that he cannot coordinate the efforts of his men will never be good enough."  When talking about his supervision of General Petraeus's efforts in Afghanistan he said he has one rule, to give him every thing he says he needs to accomplish the mission.

1 comment:

  1. Howdy. Looks like you and I were at Eskan around the same period (late 2010 early 2011). I was an AF cop. Looks like you and I had very different experiences. Completely miserable time there. Anyway, interesting read. Wish you well!
